Atypical Working Scheme
From 03 September 2020, applications for the Atypical Working Scheme must now be submitted using the new Immigration Online Portal.
The Atypical Working Scheme applies to non-EEA Nationals, who in certain circumstances are required by an organisation or company based in the State to undertake work:
- where a skill shortage has been identified;
- to provide a specialised or high skill to industry, business or academic institution;
- to facilitate waged or funded short term employment or internship where beneficial or integral (that is, required in order for graduation) to the course being studied in respect of 3rd level students studying outside the State in approved or accredited institutions (medical and unwaged/unfunded internships are not permissible);
- as a Locum Doctor (employed and paid by an Agency – Hospital Sector or Primary Care Sector (General Practice);
- Clinical Adaptation and Assessment Programme/RCSI Examination;
- as a paid researcher for up to 90 days (non-renewable). For other permission to work as a researcher, please see Stamp 0 permission.
The Atypical Working scheme does not apply to those:
- already lawfully resident in the State;
- entering the State for employment purposes of up to 14 calendar days (inclusive or consecutive);
- entering the State for business purposes for example attending meetings, conferences or sales trips etc;
- people who may avail of permission under the Van Der Elst Judgment;
- people attending a job interview
- in possession of an Employment Permit issued by the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation;
- in possession of an Intra Company Transfer Employment Permit in another jurisdiction;
- whose employment will impact on the 50/50 rule of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation regarding employment of EEA/non-EEA nationals in an Irish based organisation (Section 12, Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014).
Atypical Working Scheme eligible categories
- Contract Service Providers and Intra Company Transfers
- 3rd Party Contracts
- Internships
- Nurses(adaptation process)
- Doctors providing Locum Services in the Hospital Sector
- Doctors Providing Locum Services in the Primary Care Sector (General Practice)
- Non-EEA Crew in the Irish Fishing Fleet